This short one minute clip is from our full length video called "EARLY CHRISTIAN CHURCH
• EARLY CHRISTIAN CHURCH HISTORY #1: WH... which is part of an 18 episode series (find it on our playlist "Dealing
with Anti Trinitarians (UPC) & Early Church History" at
• Dealing with Anti Trinitarians (UPC) ... .
It has been properly pointed out that many of the early church fathers
fell into numerous heresies & in some cases damnable heresies
because, after all, they were not writers of inspired scripture. It is
also a fact that the further in time the early church got away from the
original apostolic age the more the apparent declension or deterioration
of scriptural truth is to be found in the writings of the early church
writers (for documented evidence of this please review the writings of
early church historian & William Cunningham at….
In fact, the sixteenth century Reformers looked like university
presidents compared to the early church fathers who seemed to be mere
school boys by contrast when it came to scriptural apostolic
understanding (Martin Luther did suffer some from his heavy
Romanist indoctrination & tradition in some regards). Although the
early church fathers can be useful they cannot be put on the same level
as the Word of God itself (Psalm 138:2). If the early church fathers say
anything that contradicts what the apostolic writers have stated in
scripture then any anti scriptural teachings of the early church fathers
must be rejected completely (Isaiah 8:20,
"To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this
word, it is because there is no light in them.") & the warning of
Peter remembered, 2 Peter 3:15-16,
"And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as
our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him
hath written unto you; As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of
these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they
that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other
scriptures, unto their own destruction."
Steve Morrison, Ph.D, director of Research for Christian Answers (Steve
is the creator of of our websites:
www.HISTORYCART.COM/ viewers on a journey through the portals of time, back to the
first few centuries of the early Christian church. What did the early
Christian Church teach & practice? Early pre-Nicene (before 325
A.D.) writers included: Ignatius, Clement of Rome, Polycarp, Justin
Martyr, Melito, Iranaeus, Origen of Alexandria, Tatian, Athenagoras,
Polycrates, Montanus, Tertullian, Hippolytus, Cyprian, Novatian,
Lactantius, Arnobius, Eusebius, Dionysius of Rome, Dionysius of
Alexandria, "To Diognetus," Papias, Theophilus of Antioch, Methodius,
Adamantius, Gregory Thaumaturgus & others. Let's ask the following
question. What could you prove about early Christianity if you had no
Bible, but only the pre-Nicene church writers? Here is a consensus of
what four or more writers said, and none contradicted, prior to 325 A.D. :
The Bible - B1. Study or obey God's Word as an authority, B2. Old
Testament has God's words; study it, B3. The Old Testament prophesied
about Jesus, B4. Jesus superseded some Old Testament laws, B5. New
Testament has God's words; study it,B6. Some parts of the Bible are
allegorical, B7. Old Testament has types of Christ, B8. Melchizedek was a
type of Christ, B9. Moses wrote the Law [Pentateuch, B10. Law and the
prophets, B11. David Wrote [some] Psalms, B12. The Twelve [Minor
Prophets], B13. There are only four true gospels, B14. Matthew wrote the
Gospel of Matthew, B15. Mark wrote the Gospel of Mark, B16. Luke wrote
the Gospel of Luke, B17. John wrote the Gospel of John, B18. Paul's
Letters are scripture, B19. Heb, Jms, 1,2Pet, 1,2Jn, or Jude scripture,
B20. The Book of Revelation is scripture, B21. Solomon wrote Proverbs,
B22. Luke wrote Acts, B23. Veil on many when read Moses/OT, B24. We can
understand Scripture, B25. Acknowledge Bible Manuscript variants;
God's Nature - G1. There is only One True God, G2. God is almighty
(omnipotent), G3. God loves or is kind, G4. God is holy, good, or pure,
G5. God does not speak lies / is Truth, G6. God is a Father, G7. The
Trinity: one God in three 'Persons, G8. God knows all / even the secret
things, G9. God is everywhere, G10. God does not change / is
unchangeable, G11. Majesty or glory of God, G12. God is a jealous God,
G13. God/Christ rejoices over us, G14. God wants repentance not sinner's
death, G15. Living God, G16. God is Invisible, G17. The Godhead, G18.
God is incorruptible, G19. The Most High God, G20. God is
Inscrutable/Unsearchable, G21. God is Spirit, G22. Calling God Abba,
Father, G23.
4 months ago
This short one minute clip is from our full length video called "EARLY CHRISTIAN CHURCH HISTORY #1: WHO'S WHO IN EARLY PRE-NICENE CHRISTIAN WRITERS" at which is part of an 18 episode series (find it on our playlist "Dealing with Anti Trinitarians (UPC) & Early Church History" at . It has been properly pointed out that many of the early church fathers fell into numerous heresies & in some cases damnable heresies because, after all, they were not writers of inspired scripture. It is also a fact that the further in time the early church got away from the original apostolic age the more the apparent declension or deterioration of scriptural truth is to be found in the writings of the early church writers (for documented evidence of this please review the writings of early church historian & William Cunningham at…. In fact, the sixteenth century Reformers looked like university presidents compared to the early church fathers who seemed to be mere school boys by contrast when it came to scriptural apostolic understanding (Martin Luther did suffer some from his heavy Romanist indoctrination & tradition in some regards). Although the early church fathers can be useful they cannot be put on the same level as the Word of God itself (Psalm 138:2). If the early church fathers say anything that contradicts what the apostolic writers have stated in scripture then any anti scriptural teachings of the early church fathers must be rejected completely (Isaiah 8:20, "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.") & the warning of Peter remembered, 2 Peter 3:15-16, "And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction." Steve Morrison, Ph.D, director of Research for Christian Answers (Steve is the creator of of our websites: & viewers on a journey through the portals of time, back to the first few centuries of the early Christian church. What did the early Christian Church teach & practice? Early pre-Nicene (before 325 A.D.) writers included: Ignatius, Clement of Rome, Polycarp, Justin Martyr, Melito, Iranaeus, Origen of Alexandria, Tatian, Athenagoras, Polycrates, Montanus, Tertullian, Hippolytus, Cyprian, Novatian, Lactantius, Arnobius, Eusebius, Dionysius of Rome, Dionysius of Alexandria, "To Diognetus," Papias, Theophilus of Antioch, Methodius, Adamantius, Gregory Thaumaturgus & others. Let's ask the following question. What could you prove about early Christianity if you had no Bible, but only the pre-Nicene church writers? Here is a consensus of what four or more writers said, and none contradicted, prior to 325 A.D. : The Bible - B1. Study or obey God's Word as an authority, B2. Old Testament has God's words; study it, B3. The Old Testament prophesied about Jesus, B4. Jesus superseded some Old Testament laws, B5. New Testament has God's words; study it,B6. Some parts of the Bible are allegorical, B7. Old Testament has types of Christ, B8. Melchizedek was a type of Christ, B9. Moses wrote the Law [Pentateuch, B10. Law and the prophets, B11. David Wrote [some] Psalms, B12. The Twelve [Minor Prophets], B13. There are only four true gospels, B14. Matthew wrote the Gospel of Matthew, B15. Mark wrote the Gospel of Mark, B16. Luke wrote the Gospel of Luke, B17. John wrote the Gospel of John, B18. Paul's Letters are scripture, B19. Heb, Jms, 1,2Pet, 1,2Jn, or Jude scripture, B20. The Book of Revelation is scripture, B21. Solomon wrote Proverbs, B22. Luke wrote Acts, B23. Veil on many when read Moses/OT, B24. We can understand Scripture, B25. Acknowledge Bible Manuscript variants; God's Nature - G1. There is only One True God, G2. God is almighty (omnipotent), G3. God loves or is kind, G4. God is holy, good, or pure, G5. God does not speak lies / is Truth, G6. God is a Father, G7. The Trinity: one God in three 'Persons, G8. God knows all / even the secret things, G9. God is everywhere, G10. God does not change / is unchangeable, G11. Majesty or glory of God, G12. God is a jealous God, G13. God/Christ rejoices over us, G14. God wants repentance not sinner's death, G15. Living God, G16. God is Invisible, G17. The Godhead, G18. God is incorruptible, G19. The Most High God, G20. God is Inscrutable/Unsearchable, G21. God is Spirit, G22. Calling God Abba, Father, G23.