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Uploaded At Aug 7, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
This is why I won’t use drugs in my meditations and readings etc.
One thing is I actually thinks it clouds the mind more than frees it.
And like you said, it’s ridiculously dangerous to put certain substances in your body, and leaving your body unguarded while your off on your little journey.
Idk it just never appealed to me. But I’m super paranoid when it comes to things like that anyways. So I know I’d start having a panic attack and think I was dead etc
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I took Ayahuasca or Abuelita 9 times and now I decided it's enough. My first 3 times I took it at my home by myself which is the best way to take it in order to prevent negative energies to enter. The last 6 times I took it in Ecuador with a shaman but I prefer my amazing experience at home than the guided one because Ayahuasca is like a grandmother. She is kind and gentle if the mixture is prepared well, she will guide you from dark to light and show you all the things you need to know, she will take you by the hand all way through and you don't need an exterior guide for this. Not all the shamans are honest and even they are, it's difficult to find one prepared enough to prevent contamination from his believes and spiritual conviction to yours. But to say it is addictive, it's laughable. The experience is so difficult and painful at the beginning, I can't imagine nobody wanting to repeat it over and over again soon. I can't even think about the taste without feeling dizzy. Ayahuasca is only for the brave ones.
Oh and Ayahuasca is a great way to cure a lot of traumas, lighten a lot of your shadows, that's why this campaign against it. I can't believe somebody spiritual like you don't make your research before talking. I am sure it's because of ignorance rather intentionally. This is an old sacred tradition, a miraculous beverage not a drug.
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I would agree with you as I speak from experience as I tried in 3 different times and the last time I did auahuasca in Australia it nearly killed me. It is definitely not for everyone and it has to be done with people of high integrity and many ears of experience with the right intentions. To be honest I don't recommend it anymore
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1 year ago
You can check out this video, she explains everything really well :https://youtu.be/CX9uLPzJNYk ❤
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