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Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 25, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
You validate what my very being has always known. All episodes are insightful and wonderful. I especially appreciated Trad wives. I wish you were my friend way back in the early 60's. I was always alone with my thoughts and ideas about patriarchy only I did not have the word for it Patraichy. At 19 I tried to commit suicide because couldn't cope with Patriarchy. So thank you for your pod casts.
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Another issue nobody considers is building up earnings for Social Security benefits in later life. Not working and not paying into SS means you get SIGNIFICANTLY less once you are old enough to actually collect on it. Also, not working likely means you haven't been paying into a company 401k, which means less for your retirement. If your husband dies before you (or leaves you), what income do most women have to live on?
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ALL Women are not forced to be stay at home moms.
We can have a society with women who are working outside the house and others who choose to stay at home and work from home for the family.
These polarized opinions don't help.
Women are already in the workforce and still the symptoms of certain illnesses are studied only in men.
It will change only if it benefit the capital.
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Brilliant and important framing! This is usually presented as a personal choice ("what feminism is about" according to most people today, rather than women's liberation, but I digress) but indeed there are systemic downstream effects when a significant amount of women choose to only act in the domestic sphere
I don’t owe women in general anything. I’m doing what I’m passionate about, and frankly I dont think women being in these professions make a difference. Go ask my all female OBGYN office why everytime I tell them I have an issue with my period they tell me “that’s normal” or “here’s some birth control. That’ll fix it.” If they’re women. According to you they’d be better at advocating for women right? 🙄
7 months ago
Thank you! As a woman in STEM, I absolutely agree and appreciate you spreading the word.
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