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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 23, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Also. a woman isd ordered to follow her husband, so even if the woman is following the camp that says niqab is not fard, If her husband tells her to wear Niqab, she must follow her husband even though she dont want to. As a woman is Obligated to follow her husband in all Halal things askt by her husband..
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there is no compulsion in realign, In traditional Sharia law, there is no fixed, prescribed punishment for a woman who refuses to wear the hijab, unlike the strict punishments for certain crimes like theft. While some interpretations advocate for social pressure or community expectations, the concept of a legal punishment akin to corporal punishment for hijab refusal is not universally accepted or practiced. so you are wrong brother in fact majority of the scholars say that forcing the hijaib on a women is wrong and you should let them chose to wear or not , I agree with you on the husband thing tho that part is true
1 year ago
Spot on MashaAllah
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