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Views : 464
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 18, 2022 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-05-24T15:27:03.034183Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
As a mom of 4 and as an educator I will say this answer is WAY too narrow. Children must be taught obedience to parents hands down. But to teachers and other authority figures, they must be taught subjective obedience. When I call my child's name or tell him to stop, it may very well be the difference between life and death (i.e. crossing the street, child touching a dangerous object, etc.). As parents, we also have to reach the child to understand what kind of instructions NOT to obey from teachers and other authority figures (i.e. good touch/bad touch, unreasonable or questionable situations). Other than that, a child should obey authority figures and should not be defiant for frivolous reasons. It's distracting and just plain disrespectful in a school environment.
2 years ago
Children always ask "why"- we can no longer use the traditional "because I said so" response. Questioning why opens the door for critical thinking at an early age.
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