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Top Comments of this video!! :3
as someones states already in the comments: Drones are nasty. why?
Drones are Shielded, guided intelligent missles.the shields A) produce alot of heat which lets the drone burn thru most Hulls easly and B) the shield Modulate the Frequenz very quickly allowing them to bypass most shields. They shown to be capable of dodging Point defense and they explode once thier target is reached or energy is low.
this makes the ancient drone weapon one of the most dealy, non planet destroyer weapon in scifi(that im aware of)
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I'd love to see the humans with a new "destroyer" in stargate.
they have the BC 304's. those things are brutal but big. now they have access to Ori tech, ancient tech, asguard tech...
So picture a smaller "destroyer" class escort for the battlecruisers. Shields, point defense rail-guns - top bottom left right... aft. 2 Asugard plasma beams 1 per side forward. and then 1 drone launcher with drone control chair.
not as many drones as an ancient warship but would be good for screening against fighters small ships and hurting or killing big ships.
enough railguns and railgun coverage to provide defensive fire form things like wraith swarms, Death glider groups and such.
And the plasma cannons to deal with really big thing lending fire support to the BC-304's when facing hive ships.
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I released a new mod that adds a ton of Stargate Technologies now on gamefront: SG1, SGA and SGU generic overhaul mod.
With this Asgard Beams are gonna work as well at any range, and a lot of things seen on-screen happen now, like Anubis Superweapon mothership firing a beam and killing two Ha'taks.
But how would it do against an Imperial-class Star Destroyer?
The Victory-class were mostly meant for supporting the larger Imperial-class by dealing with small, fast targets that the big ships couldn't keep up with (like starfighters). The Imperial-class were the backbone of the Empire's navy (hence why they frequently show up throughout the Original Trilogy) and were significantly tougher and more powerful than the Victory-class.
4 months ago
The best thing about the drones was that not only they passed through shields - they also did not explode on impact - they were partialy phased which meant they were literally boring right through the enemy then when they were on the other side they took a turn and go back a time or two depending on the size of the target - and then when their power supply was running out they would explode - preferably in the inside of the target - those were really horrendous weapons to be at the wrong side of.
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