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Views : 4,529
Genre: Film & Animation
Uploaded At Oct 4, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
so instead of versatile it would be more like the "only". tho by all means it's not bad at all it's actually way more simpler and easier to understand but compared to nen where some might have advantage and some might have weakness and there are some that can go beyond that by sacrificing or limiting urself is more complex yet somehow easy to understand
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So when someone says broken I instantly think of something that would make even the worst of character strong, for that we have to look at the Libra of cons and pros, and how it can improve. Ki is the best if you don't consider just how much training guys like yamcha have to go through, and he still sucks; on the other hand the devil fruits can be really destructive, just look at Enel or sabo, with the only drawback being not being able to swim, plus the fruits (alongside the quirks, but they have much more problems) don't need to much practise for them to be strong
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Except for the fact that you'd need to be one of the strongest people alive to properly utilise it. All the people we see use it to a proper extent, live in a world of martial arts where masters of ki are at every cornerstone. We don't have that in the real world. So ki would never be utilised, especially considering most people live in bustling cities with no proper space or peace to harness and train your ki.
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1 month ago
The only downside to ki is not being physically strong enough to grow it further, that's what holds back krillin the most
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