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TARGETING TOURISM-Local Transit Shuttles Trainees4"Real World Street Theater TARGETING see Desc/More
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2 Views • Aug 12, 2023 • Click to toggle off description

LOCAL Gov-Possible Chambers Brokers Deal Transit Shuttle to Turn My Residence into TARGETING TOURISM for STATE/DoD SPONSORED CIVILIAN RECRUITS.

About six months ago, after living in this rental since 2015 - and in 2023 - out of literally NOWHERE the local Transit System "Shuttle" starts showing up on my street, going up and down multiple up and down the avenue I live on, like a PICK UP and DROP OFF, since before it used to be FOOT TRAFFIC going up and down to REAL WORLD TARGET - Their Service is contingent upon how many external State/DoD, Corp and Academia Sponsored, Sanctioned and Covered up - External ie (resides in another city, town, and or state, then exports their SPECIALIZED TRAINING to deploy in their COMMUNITIES) Civilian Trainee/Sleeper Cells are in town training on the TACTICS, TECHNIQUES and for now ACCESS to the MILITARY GRADE WEAPONIZED TACTICS, TECHNIQUES, TECHNOLOGIES to DEPLOY Recruit and DEPLOY - ORGANIZED STALKING TACTICS in their LOCALS-

The larger the EXTERNAL flow into the Peninsula, the more TRIPS the Transit shuttle makes. I believe this Local Transit Shuttle charges $3 per trip - so again, the LOCAL TRANSIT SYSTEM - makes money of this Contract …

Thus, the more OUTSIDE TRAINEES Who come into Monterey/Pacific Grove, etc. the MORE MONEY it BRINGS in via Transient Occupancy ie Tourism.
(See Deloitte- for the accounting/financing aspects - and how it’s all from my Analysis Allegedly Laundered/ MONEY!!!)

Today, has been a very busy day of EXTERNAL-Out of Town State sponsored Civilian Recruits - as the Shuttle has been running up and down my Avenue -

NOTE: Because the "Shuttle" has been HISTORICALLY used to transport "Disabled, Elderly, etc. TO and FROM Medical needs ie Doctors Appointments, Medical Testing, Dialysis, etc." The State/DoD and City may have brokered a "specialized contract" with the local transit system to provide the Shuttle Service/s - up and down my street passing my my residence - like a CIRCULAR LOOP - THUS TURNING MY TARGETING - INTO TARGETING TOURISM - USING THE D0D CONTROLLED Environment/Location ie My Residence and ME - so their CIVILIAN SLEEPER CELL TRAINEES - Can CONDUCT REAL WORLD STREET THEATER -
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Views : 2
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 12, 2023 ^^

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RYD date created : 2023-08-13T06:01:44.494053Z
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