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Genre: Entertainment
Uploaded At May 21, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-05-26T18:46:16.856812Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Even if you don't see eye to eye with orthodoxy, that man was making a fool out of himself and disrespecting a 100% true and biblical prayer. I keep having an anxious feeling about joining the church. While that man is ignorant, I coming from a protestant background have a lot of sensibilities to overcome myself. The truth is in your heart. I am concerned because I am to become a catechumen Sunday but feel guilt with my heart still in-between. I know I cannot go back to Protestantism. With an honest heart, should I wait or does my understanding that it is sensibilities and a bit of culture shock that is making me uneasy mean I should push on and overcome those feelings. My highest priority is not making a mockery of God. May I die first. Lord Jesus Christ son of God have mercy on me the sinner.
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6 months ago
Discovering the Jesus Prayer was a major step in my road to Orthodoxy. It grieves me when people like 'Pastor' Stephen mock it.
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