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Views : 3,609
Genre: Film & Animation
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Mar 18, 2020 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
THink about Net's face next time. Imagine if you're Net and you're minding your own business and then Ball just runs up and WWE piledrives you in the face. I think it'd hurt. Hey look at this nimble old lady out on the streets feeding pigeons or something, I wanna get up to that tree branch above her to get my cat and it seems that she's in the way! Oh well granny, looks like it's a great time to get foot stoolled. Nah we won't do that to grannies. We are civil. We are people who do things right. Unlike ball. Why you gotta do that ball? Did you think about the repercussions? Did you think about the consequences to your actions? I bet you didn't Ball, I bet you didn't. And now look at Net. He may look fine. He may look like he's smiling, but guess what? Inside, he's dying, and that's a fact. That's all on you Ball. Congratulations. I don't get mad about a lot of things but ball. Ball. If Net suddenly came up to you and just popped off on your face, you wouldn't like that huh? Yeah I bet you won't. And you at home, you think about it. Footstoolling is wrong. Don't do it, or else one day, someone might do it to you. This is my TED Talk, good night everybody.
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2 years ago
Oh this channel had OSC related content.. I never knew
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