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Uploaded At May 2, 2024 ^^
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There has been only one religion from the begining of time... submission to ONE GOD ...... HUMANS are the ones that came up with terms such as Christianity and Judaism . Ibrahim’s, Moses’s Jesus’s and Mohamed’s message HAS ALWAYS been the same, which is to worship one GOD..... GOD sent a new prophet from time to time to worn the people as they stray from the message and put new rules in place as new sins are made........ the wisdom in not sending Mohamed and the Quran from the get go as the first and only prophet with the first and only book is the same reason why you don’t put a 5 year old in medical school
Why Jesus is not God
1. GOD can’t be born, he did not come in to existnace, because he always existed
2. There’s nothing explicit in the Bible that says that Jesus is GOD... this is about salvation so it wouldve been clear ... he never said worship me
3. GOD is too great to be put in a physical form... no man has ever seen GOD at anytime JoHn 1:18, JoHn 5:37 Jesus own statement
4. Jesus never taught the trinity and it’s no where in the Bible, the disciples never taught people that Jesus is GOD the idea came about in the 3rd century 325 ad at the counsel of nicea.. was introduced by Paul , who never met Jesus .... he came up with it based on a vision, he was the first person to come up with the title Christian , trinity ... ( trinity is not mentioned in the Bible)
5. Jesus slept and prayed and GOD does not need to do that.... he prayed with his face on the ground, just like Moses, Ibrahim did... which how Muslim pray
6. When Jesus was asked about the hour he said only GOD has knowledge about it.. if he was GOD he would’ve known .... if 1+1+1=1 then they should all know when the hour is... John 14:28 Jesus says GOD is greater than I
7.If he’s GOD then what happens to the people and prophet before him... they never called on him
The word GOD never existed until 600 years ago, the concept of the trinity was developed 300 years AFTER Jesus
Jesus called GOD Alaha in Aramaic
7 months ago
Today is the day
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