0 Views • Apr 2, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
Here's the RECIPE for an easy & tasty snack.
Please help me name it too
Flour - 175g
Cocoa powder - 35g
Icing sugar - 65g
Butter - 110g
Eggs- 30g / Milk - 25g
Salt - 2.5g
1. Mix all the ingredients together till it forms a dough.
Do not over-mix.
2. Roll out in between two butter papers and chill.
3. Once chilled, cut out desired shapes, transfer to a silpat or an air mat and bake at 170-180°C for 8-10 mins. (Keep a close eye as you won't be able to see the browning.)
Strawberry puree - 125g
Castor Sugar - 125g
Pectin - 7.5g
Lime juice - 5ml
1. Mix pectin with 50g of sugar.
2. In a heavy bottom pan, add the remaining sugar and Strawberry puree and cook till it reached 65°C, stirring with a wooden spatula.
3. Boil the mix till it reaches 105°C and add lemon juice or check for a desired consistency.
4. Transfer to a clean bowl and cool completely.
Dark chocolate-200 g (finely chopped)
Cream-200 g
Butter (room temp)-20 g
Glucose - 15g
1. Heat the cream, glucose and pour over the finely chopped chocolate.
2. Let it sit for 3-5 mins allowing the chocolate to Melt with the heat of the cream.
3. Add in butter and emulsify, leave ganache at room temperature to set.
Dark chocolate - 210g (Melted)
Cocoa Butter - 60g (Melted)
Hazelnut nuts - 60g (roasted and chopped)
1. Mix all the ingredients with the melted chocolate
(40°C). 2. Use at 30°C.
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