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Views : 11,468
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 5, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-02-17T12:53:55.846512Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Doomguy Asorbs the power of EVERYTHING he kills. so by the time get gets to fight Knull after having killed virtually all of his symbiotes etc.. and everything else that is "evil" Knull does not stand a chance. simply because Doomguy is akin to Saitama a being whose power is beyond that of gods and has plot armor to make even deadpool jealous
Doom slayer is Outerversal
He killed prime evil that has the power of the almighty himself
He killed the whole hell and heaven
Doom slayer can fight for eternity, is faster than light, and has infinite power.
Defeated a titan that can spawn black holes (Icon of Sin)
Knull is temporary, Doom is Eternal
end of discussion DOOM SLAYER WINS
its funny how many edits knull fans makelying to themselves that knull is stronger and comforting themselves
1 year ago
Knull is officially a counterpart to Beyonders...he is LEAGUES above Slayer
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