This video is a snippet/summary of the video:
• PPKn Kelas XI Bab 1 Subbab 1 - Konsep... This video is in accordance with the Curriculum in special circumstances, KI and KD according to the copy and attachment of the Decree of the Head of the Book Research and Development Agency Number 018/H/KR/2020 concerning Basic Competencies of Lessons in the 2013 Curriculum in Early Childhood Education,
Elementary Education, and Secondary Education in the Form of High Schools for Special Conditions.
PPKn SMK SMA MA MAK Class 11 Semester 1 Chapter 1
Harmonization of Human Rights and Obligations in the Perspective of Pancasila
A. The Concept of Human Rights and Duties (This Video)
B. Substance of Human Rights and Obligations in Pancasila
• PPKn Kelas XI Bab 1 Subbab 2 - Substa... C. Cases of Human Rights Violations
• PPKn Kelas XI Bab 1 Subbab 3 - Kasus ... D. Efforts to Enforce Human Rights (Please check the playlist).
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Chapter 1 Pancasila Values in the Framework of State Governance Practices.
Please check Playlists:… PPKn Class X SMA SMK MA MAK
Chapter 7 Archipelago Insights in the Context of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
Please check Playlists:… -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --
Class IX SMP/MTs Chapter 1
The Dynamics of the Embodiment of Pancasila as the Basic State and View of the Nation's Life.
Please check Playlists:… -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --
Meaning of Human Rights
Humans always attach three things, namely life, freedom and happiness. The very basic things that must be owned by humans (human rights)
Human rights are basic human rights according to their nature.
According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 39 of 1999, human rights are a set of rights that are inherent in the nature and existence of humans as creatures of God Almighty and are His gifts that must be respected, upheld and protected by the state, law, government, and society. everyone for the honor and protection of human dignity.
According to Jan Materson, human rights are rights inherent in humans, and without these rights humans cannot live as humans
In essence, human rights have two meanings:
Human rights are natural rights inherent in every human being since he was born into the world.
Human rights are instruments or tools to maintain human dignity in accordance with their noble human nature.
Human rights have the following special characteristics:
cannot be shared,
2. The Meaning of Human Obligations
In addition to getting rights, everyone also has obligations.
Obligations can simply be interpreted as everything that must be carried out with full responsibility.
Human rights can be interpreted as the basic obligations of every human being.
The provisions of Article 1 paragraph (2) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights states that basic human obligations are a set of obligations which, if not implemented, will not allow the implementation and enforcement of human rights.
Human rights and obligations are two interrelated things.
#rightsandobligations #curriculuminspecialcircumstances #HumanObligation
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