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Views : 9,334
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Premiered at Jun 16, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.975 (3/483 LTDR)
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User score: 99.07- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-06-16T16:49:26.277825Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
In addition to his feats of bravery he was also promoted continously. He joined the Army as a private and finished the war as a captain. I remember watching many of his westerns as a teenager where he was the protagonist and hero, and not knowing his real life history I wondered why they would cast this small, soft-spoken guy instead of so many strong leading men. It wasn't until years later I learned who he was and I was awed. None of those leading men held a candle to him in real life (though many, many of them also made great contributions in the war). I also learned he suffered greatly after the war with PTSD, to the point that he had to sleep by himself in the garage converted to a bedroom. And died so young. R.I.P. Audie, I for one will always remember you and I'm sure I'm not alone
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Yeah, on a burning tank loaded with ammunition, right, but HOW LONG was he really on that tank? 5 minutes, 8 minutes? How long could anyone stay on a burning tank that could explĺode at any time? He was on it, wounded, for an hour, fighting off 250 men. The tank finally exploded a few minutes after he got off.
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7 months ago
These men were simply. Patriotism pumped in their veins.
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