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0 Views • Apr 9, 2016 • Click to toggle off description
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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 9, 2016 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


7 years ago

arajin tank@ esey qshum...barak ararat er bajanum

1 |


8 years ago

Qunem es qo anpitan lav@ ay shmays

18 |


6 years ago

ay himar klris gloxner mard@ papirosa tali esh esh xosum eq tani dni saldatneri beran@ vari papiros@ vor aseq maladec duq inch eq anum ay internet klirner mekt russastan mekt amereika lravac dzez dreleq mi mec klris tex@ xosum eq.

2 |


8 years ago

hla es xaxpi txun nayeq.... to ay qaqi boshka zinvori vra tuylapay papiroz es shprtum, qunem lavt. Kargin mard exneir uxaarkeir poster u zoramasner. Chatlax talanchi !!! Mek@ chka dran qci tangi tak.

4 |


6 years ago

Esi verabervuma en martkanc ov Shmaysi masin andznakan viravoranka hascnum.
Ov chanachuma es martun ink lav gidi inchera arel Shmays.
Isk ovor chi chanachum ink@ uxaki hivand lrtesa, vor chgidi ira her@ ova.
U poxancumem anhaskacox kfur tvoxnerin.
Lcem dzer angraget glxin, ete mechnert txa ka tox ekranic enkom ga u txavari artahaytvi, isk ete chka uremn dzer mayrikin u hayrikin c@csnem.



8 years ago

chka, mer hajastanum xekavarneriu mot barojakanutjuny lriv korel a. inch ases ...



8 years ago

es karoxa jogela taxia kangnacnuma???? incha anum vor??? sevani dzuk caxoxneri pes lrvaca:)))

8 |


7 years ago

ara es mard@ tank cher kangnacnelu sigaret tar...et mek u heto AY CHATLAXNER BA VOR BOXOQUM EQ DUQ INCH UNEQ ARAC ES AZGI HAMAR???



8 years ago

shmauzere lriv kextahora

3 |


8 years ago

te lav bana anum, krvaca vrodi, de tox nsti hetner@ dirqer gna ira nerkayucyunov gone dux ta voch te sigaret shprti.



8 years ago

ara lavna anum boxoqumeq vatna anum boxoqumeq hima el ho lav bana anum



8 years ago

ara de  shmays@ urish a eli , hl@ tesek inch karevor ban a anum , isk en havayi kamavorner@ helel zinvori het  dirk en pahum . apri shmays@  .                           esi  icne  a senc xaxpa exe te serzhi mot a parapel?

1 |


7 years ago

ara es mard@ tank cher kangnacnelu sigaret tar...et mek u heto AY CHATLAXNER BA VOR BOXOQUM EQ DUQ INCH UNEQ ARAC ES AZGI HAMAR???



7 years ago

ara es mard@ tank cher kangnacnelu sigaret tar...et mek u heto AY CHATLAXNER BA VOR BOXOQUM EQ DUQ INCH UNEQ ARAC ES AZGI HAMAR???



7 years ago

ara es mard@ tank cher kangnacnelu sigaret tar...et mek u heto AY CHATLAXNER BA VOR BOXOQUM EQ DUQ INCH UNEQ ARAC ES AZGI HAMAR???


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