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Views : 68,225
Genre: Howto & Style
Uploaded At Nov 23, 2020 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.932 (64/3,712 LTDR)
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Hi.. I'm so glad I found your videos. I really love drawing faces with references, sometimes I get lucky and the face turns out ok and maybe looked like the reference and most of the times I failed to make it looked like the reference. I tried your tips to draw the brow and the nose first and wow it makes such a huge difference. My drawings looked so much better and I'm happy that it looked more like the reference. How did you do that? Why drawing the brows and the nose first is such an important step?
My fav part is drawing the eyes, that's why I used to draw from the eyes first. But now I follow your steps. Thank you so much
4 years ago
Thanks for checking out my video!🙌🏼 Let me know any questions you have.
I’m using a Conté à Paris Pierre Noire B Sketching Pencil on a Moleskine classic notebook for this mini tutorial.
The music is by xander. - Warm Feeling chll.to/23af9966
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