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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 2, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
It makes sense, at least partially.
The message of DE is that no matter how broken you are, it's always possible to get better.
But Harry would have to actually get better, and stay that way, before something like the complexities of a new relationship would be a remotely good idea.
Like, rethink a relationship with Kim (or Lilienne) when you've been sober for a year, maybe.
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Volition: Stop, you’re a broken man, a man running from pain, and it hurts i know. But you can’t run forever
Esprit de Corps: The Lieutenant stares at you, frozen in your tracks. Arms out stretched, attempting to grasp what has left him.
For the first time since you’ve known him, the iron willed man is on the verge of tears
Inland Empire: Bad idea bad idea, we are just going to get our heart broken again, we should leave now, he hates us anyway… everyone hates us
Empathy: No Harry, he loves you, he loves you with all his heart.
You turn to face Kim, to face the furies
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Volition [legendary success, and can only succeed if you stayed sober for the whole game]: No, look at how far you’ve come. You have it in you to get better, and you’re doing it for yourself. This isn’t something that’s easy, and not many people understand just how triumphant of a task this is. Everyday you are slowly working past the ex-something. Now may not be the time to confess feelings out loud, but you objectively deserve love, too.
Empathy [legendary success]: Look at him. You’ll shatter him if you give up, and after everything you’ve been through together, you can’t be the one to hurt him. He senses it, too. He also understands that now is not the time, but the time will come eventually. He’s waiting for it. He’s counting on it. He’s counting on you. He fervently believes in you.
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1 year ago
The absolute gut punch that was "that means that he would have to be with you, and nobody deserves that" PLEASE JUST RIP MY ENTIRE HEART OUT IT WOULD HURT LESS
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