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Views : 92,026
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 3, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-05-31T23:07:56.798226Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
What are you trying to push here? Parental rights for surrogates when the child is not biologically theirs? I understand you and your wife are building your own family, but it seems that your situation is specific and uncommon. I really don't see an issue with you having to adopt your son, and why wouldn't you, if you had him via surrogacy? I think a discussion should really be had in regard to other instances where this could be detrimental to a family who used a surrogate because they could not conceive or carry on their own. What if that surrogate all of a sudden decides it's their child, even if it isn't biologically, and now there are laws, etc. protecting them.. dangerous can of worms to open..
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It doesn’t matter if you live in a red state, blue state, or any where in the United States. That’s not your biological child of course you have to adopt? Can you imagine a mother who hires another woman to carry her baby then that woman decides it’s her child now and wants custody! That would be a legal tragedy, we have laws for these reasons. The world does not revolve around you.
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Your wife is the biological mother, if she birthed the child. The child shares no DNA with you. This doesn't take away from you at all nor is it crazy that you'd have to adopt said child if you did not birth them. Imagine if we just accepted anyone claiming a child that doesnt biologically belong to them without a process in place? This has cringey victim vibes 😩
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1 year ago
Wait wait wait. YOU shoved him out of your body but she’s the biological mother?.
Something is not adding up here
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