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Uploaded At Sep 4, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I thank Elle for sharing her story. I had stage 4 breast cancer with metastasis to my liver diagnosed in July 2021, with the aggressive Pik3 gene 🧬. I was fortunate to go on a trial , however that came to an end when I couldn’t bare the side effects any longer, it was killing me . I’m cancer free and no longer take any drugs.
Eastern medicine works beautifully with western medicine. Every one is on their own ride . I’ve learned cancer is an epigenetic disorder. Get your body back into balance & all will be well. I celebrate 🍾 Elles wonderful new
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Thanks, Liz. It's helpful to hear your expert interpretation of the information that is available from Elle. It is concerning that some patients might be swayed by a report of action taken by 'celebrities' in the absence of other relevant factors. Every patient is, after all, unique and treatment options are offered accordingly.
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I was thinking the same thing re it being DCIS. I know someone who said she had DCIS and who underwent radiotherapy because the surgical pathology from the lumpectomy showed necrosis, which is the sign of aggressive cells. I didn't see the pathology report myself, so I can't know for sure if it was stage 0, however, it seems that it's possible to have necrosis with DCIS, and the choice of adjuvant CTx or RTx is up to the patient. Also of note, in the past, even women with stage 0 BC (DCIS) were routinely treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy (regardless of presence of necrosis etc), until it was found to be more harmful than beneficial for a pre-cancerous lesion.
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As has been pointed out , it is not clear what stage and grade Elle's cancer was, so be very careful about applying her choices to your own personal situation. Remember, if she had a local DCIS then stopping after lumpectomy ( if the margins were good) is not unreasonable. Remember also that she has a book to sell and this furor is bringing huge amounts of publicity. It is her body, her choice but she did not reject conventional medicine: she had a lumpectomy. If people with name recognition are going to release details of their medical struggles there should be full disclosure of ALL details. Like how does she know she is cancerfree? Has she had a full body MRI or full body PET scan? If so, then congratulations on her current good health.
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4 months ago
The way the media has layed into Ell M is shocking. She's only described what she herself did, her choice! She's not saying anyone else should do the same at all. The negative response is dispropotionate and says alot about the way society feels about people who think for themselves.
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