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6,110 Views ā€¢ Jun 1, 2024 ā€¢ Click to toggle off description
In this video ā€Ŗ@GodLogicApologeticsā€¬ talks to a muslim that claims our Bible is corrupted and that no one knows what the original injeel said but doesnt realize thats just a baseless claim that he cant prove.
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Views : 6,110
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 1, 2024 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


6 months ago

I watched this whole video. The guy claimed our bible is incomplete and the koran is complete, but couldn't give names of persons at the last supper, because the names arent in the koran. He resorted to telling God Logic that he didn't like him.

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3 months ago

Islam is based on Muhammed saying "trust me Bro"

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6 months ago

They say the injeel was given to Jesus. I think they think the injeel fell came frm the sky straight into Jesus hands šŸ˜‚

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6 months ago

They say the Injeel (Gospel) was the word of God given to Jesus. They say the word of God cannot be corrupted (the standard they use for the Quran). Are the Gospels by Christians corrupted? Yes. So theyre not the real Injeel? No. So wheres the real one mentioned in the Qur'an that should be incorruptible? .... They dont have anything. Muhammad heard recitations of non-canonical writings and heretical teachings of Gnostics and other heretics that hid in Arabia. He used their teachings and was shocked it did not agree with the rest of Christianity.... When the Byzantines heard about Muslims and their teachings, they thought it was just a heretical Christian sect being led by a false prophet....

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6 months ago

Without Lies Islam Dies

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6 months ago

Even the Hadith said the Quran is not perfect!!! Lots of lost surahs, even eaten by a goat!!!

We know the Quran was edited so many times!!!

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6 months ago

For those who are wondering what is the injeel it means gospel in Arabic

Hope that helped someonešŸ˜Š

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1 month ago

In Islam, we never saw the Gospel because we believe that it was altered and changed. In Islam, we donā€™t believe the Gospelā€™s(Mark, Luke, Matthew, John, Hosea, Joshua) that Christians read today is the same book that was revealed by Allah.



2 weeks ago

The Quran, is the best version of all the 5 holy books... It is the purest of all...



1 month ago

Its like a muslims tells you a story of harry potter



5 months ago

Godlogic with another W as always Amen šŸ™



6 months ago

Your laugh tells huge message...

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6 months ago

The best way to give credibility to koran is by claiming that the so called injeel is corrupted so what do we do throw all other writings away and stick to koran the one man show i rather stick with Jesus as God no one else all others are under his feet



6 months ago

Bro its quite simple. Christian scholars themselves acknowledge mistakes, additions, and contradictions in the bible. Its illogical to think the injeel being referred to is all iterations of the bible that exist or will exist in the future



6 months ago

Have you christians seen the second coming Of Jesus ? Have you witnessed it ? Then how do you believe in it ??

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6 months ago

He preaches a "so called corrupted Injil written by Paul" to a people who don't give a damn about this maden religion.

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5 days ago

I have a suggestion brother, why donā€™t you go talk to the Islamic brother that do dawa on the street. You could disapprove Islam there. Good luck with that.



6 months ago

They have proof,the Holy Quran,book wroten by the man as every other book



6 months ago

If there was any proof then it would have already been presented. All a person has to do is look at the facts and history to see the truth. Instead people want to present texts that only applies to their arguments even when itā€™s taken out of context. Also others have told them what to say if ever asked or itā€™s what they have heard and chose to believe. Get serious about your eternity and educate yourself. In Jesusā€™ name we pray šŸ™šŸ» Ame



6 months ago

In the bible you find that jesus was preaching the evangillion so jesus wasnt preaching the bible but the evangillion wich is the injeel in arabic and aramaic dont be ignorant the viewers can tell

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