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Views : 1,221
Genre: Entertainment
Uploaded At Jun 20, 2023 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
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RYD date created : 2023-07-06T00:36:29.66496Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
1- siren
2- jiung
3- soul
4- jiung
5- keeho 😭
7- keeho
8- intak
9- jump
Their opening song is siren. Jiung is SLAYING the dance. SOUL gives me a BOMBASTIC SIDE EYE. jiung and i make eye-contact 🥰.(tbh i think id faint)KEEHO starts crying and jiung comforts him, then keeho starts doing aegyo. Intak gets a potato? And the ending song is jump.
I got a lot of jiung and i am NOT complaining🥰❤
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First thing that plays is butterfly and Theo is SLAYING 🤩 the choreography as always Intak keeps giving me side eyes but I make eye contact with keeho jeongseob ends up crying the most awww 😢while keeho comforts him (cute) while jisung does aegyo on stage Theo is holding a whole potato on stage (probably for soul) AND OMG ENDING SONG IS JUMP
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1 year ago
Their open song is pyramid. Keeho is slaying all the choreography.jiung keeps giving me the side eye. I made eye contact with keeho. Theo cries the most. Jiung comforts theo.keeho does aegyo.intak holds a potato their ending song is jump.
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