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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I've been married to two western women and both were marriages I came to regret. However I retired young, moved to Thailand and 6 years ago I married a local woman. She had a very good job, but once she decided she had all she needed she retired. She was 40. We live a very simple, quiet life, she enjoys silence as much as I do, she buys things when we need them, not because she wants things, she doesn't bring drama into my life, and I'll be honest she set me on the path that allowed me to find my peace. We don't argue, she is a great cook, she is very respectful of her parents, especially her father, she always helps me if/when I'm working etc. it was a shock to discover women like her still existed in the 21st century.
One of our greatest joys is to get up early, sit in our garden with freshly made coffee, silently listening to the world wake up.
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The reason is the narcissism we've instilled in women, from birth.
When you tell little girls they are princesses, they DESERVE the best, they should NEVER settle and they are perfect JUST THE WAY THEY ARE and are valuable JUST because they have two X chromosomes and not because of their character and who they become, then you've cemented an entitlement mentality into them and people who are entitled can NEVER be happy.
Think about it, IF you are raised to believe you DESERVE the BEST, then when something wonderful happens to you, how can you get excited about just getting what you DESERVE?! So, the joy of unexpected surprises and blessings is gone, right there.
But since in the REAL world, the BEST is few and far between, most of us have to settle for decent or good in most areas of our lives, then of course they will be constantly upset and disappointed as life is NOT giving them what they DESERVE.
Finally, men don't expect anyone to make them happy. We don't expect shit and realize if we want something we have to work and compete for it, and you only get what you can produce. In the REAL world, you don't get trophies for showing up.
Women sit around EXPECTING others to MAKE them happy, and of course, that's not possible, hence the perpetual state of misery.
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Everytime I have shown my simplicity to a woman I got flamed for not being ambitious enough and so forth and if I entered into a relationship the scaffolding would envelope my being and I was a eternal project never destined to completion. This made me believe that I was never good enough as I was and had to constantly improve. Single father now and the simple life suits me perfectly 😀
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I have been married to my wife for 27 years and not once has she ever gave me crap about sitting and having a beer or 12 after work, not 1 time. Not once have I thrown a fit about supper, house keeping, etc etc etc all of which I help with also. We both know and understand we arent always going to get what we want when we want it, I think its called being an adult.
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Sarah is 1k% correct
I married the wrong woman
One day when our sons were both late teens she was for the millionth millonth time raising absolute hell at me screaming about absolutely nothing
My oldest stopped her in mid rage and asked her:
"Mom exactly what TF would you do without dad???" "You have no skills no degrees no certifications you were working a dead end $12hr job when he found you living in an apartment smaller than our dining room driving a car on its last leg" you were already 31 if dad hadn't married you where would you be what would you be doing??? "Mom you owe EVERYTHING all of us owe EVERYTHING we have to dad"
My wife as you said HATES I ware the same two or three pants and shirts for weeks over and over hates we have an 11 year old TV hates I still go hunting fishing shooting and camping with the same friends I had 25 years before I ever met her
My wife hates I live a simple life that rejects unnecessary strife conflicts and unhappiness
But most of all my wife hates I need absolutely no reason whatsoever to be happy and content and Im just generally genuinely content about life in general
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nice job Sara.. I'm an old man, 76.twice, for brief periods I made the mistake of co-habitating with a woeman..It was horrible, after a couple of months, both ladies starting finding fault with dam near everything I did..or didn't do..Allow me to share just one example..I like to cook, so me and her decided to make dinner together..We made clam linguini..We sat down to eat and out of the clear blue sky she says "I hate these dishes", "I'm sick of looking at them"..I was dumbfounded, I said babe why don't we just enjoy the meal and worry about the dishes later..She glared at me and said doesn't anything ever bother you? In my mind I was thinking yea, you do..But I said babe come on lets enjoy the dinner..Fast forward the next day I come home from work and discover she went out and bought new dishes, really expensive dishes..She's all happy and said aren't nice?? I said yea, but what did they cost? It was several hundred dollars and she expected me to pay for them..I said do you have the receipt? Now she's pissed off.I said you don't go spending MY money without my consent, I'm taking these back..Well she hit the ceiling and really started yelling, etc etc..I said babe, this is my fucking house, and you better pack your shit and leave..We are done...She was stunned to put it mildly..I rarely lose my temper but I just stared at her and thankfully she did as I asked..That was 50 years ago, I have lived alone since then and I wouldn't have it any other way..
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Men being single and enjoying their lives is like they won a lottery ticket with infinite prize money. No more problems, baggage, whining about our hobbies, and nagging about things they wanna do with checks they can’t cash or problems they’re directly or indirectly responsible for creating in the first place. Housework is basically non existent, only taking about an hour or an hour and a half to do every other week (excluding washer and dryer time) and it’s peaceful and relaxing to come back home instead of it just being another shift to clock into especially when your paying to be there and not getting paid.
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1 month ago
If a man treated a woman as women treat men, they'd be arrested.
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