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Views : 706,380
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 15, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.96 (547/53,988 LTDR)
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User score: 98.50- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2025-01-14T21:15:21.808633Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
This song is so relatable…
I had this friend let’s name her Mia so I met Mia in kindergarten. We were best friends. In first grade we wouldn’t really talk to each other anymore since we were in different classes. In second grade we were in the same class and we talked to each other a lot. Sometimes we would get into fights like a lot. But we would talk it out. She was a bully, I kinda hated her but also loved her (as a friend). I had a crush on this one guy and I told her a trusted her with not telling anyone. She asked if she could tell this one girl, let’s name her Katie, I was friends with Katie so I said yes. Katie told the guy tho… and Katie said that Mia told her to tell him. I asked Mia and she said “Ummm maybe” and that obviously meant yes. In third grade we weren’t in the same class and some of my other friends weren’t in my class but the rest were. Before going to our classes we would have to wait in the gym in a line but sitting down. We had to wait for a teachers to come pick us up and take us to the classroom. But during that time Mia and two other girls, let’s name them Maya and Violet (I’m not friends with Violet either but I’m friends with Maya). So Maya, Violet and Mia would always sit together and whisper about us. I remember one time they were talking together and Violet was looking me up and down, and I just wanted to cry. So during the middle of the school year aka now, I thought me and Mia were friends. But one day I heard that I wasn’t invited to Mia’s bday party, Maya told me that it was because she wanted to invite one of her other friends, and that there was going to be too much people, and I thought that was the reason but it wasn’t. The actual reason was that “I’m too mean” and we aren’t friends anymore. I texted her sorry but she said “Still doesnt make us friends☺️” and I said “Ik but I’m still sorry” and she said “Still doesnt make us friends☺️” And then she started being mean to me and she was roasting me, then I said something like “Yk what your the one, I keep trying to be nice but your the mean one, your making stuff worse, and your saying mean stuff to me when I’m trying to make it better” or I said Smth like that. But I really thought we were friends. And we were on a call and she was just making fun of me. If I’m being honest I wanted to kill myself…
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7 months ago
"Not friends,not enemies, but strangers with memories."
-wise person
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