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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 15, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
While i do agree that people tend to see things their own way, i dont agree that twisting scripture isnt a actual thing. People do tend to take the word and try to turn it to meet their own desires. The bible does warn about this examples would be like Matthew 4 where the devil tempts Jesus and tries to use the word to make Jesus jump off the cliff. We are also warned in 2 Timothy 4 that people will accumulate for themselves what best suits them but the full truth they will turn away from it all.
So maybe scripture cherry picking?
But also the bible itself will answer if what a person is speaking is true or false. If what they say us from God, it wont contradict the rest of the bible.
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6 months ago
The NT authors "twisted" scripture to support their theological agendas and narratives. And I am fully capable of articulating reasons how and why without any discomfort.
I loved the video though and you're right—most people throw around the term willy-nilly because they don't have sufficient counter-arguments to support their interpretations and dogmas.
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