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Views : 24,371
Genre: Music
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 17, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.976 (11/1,797 LTDR)
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User score: 99.08- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-12-30T03:09:04.531374Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I like how elliot doesn’t have a negative view on being labeled as pop unlike a lot of artists and seemed flattered by the mans remark. I myself try to write in the spirit of pop but the modern music landscape has sort of changed the ideas of pop however thats not the kind of pop I think of, more of the stuff before the 2000’s but there’s a ton of stuff I love from the 2000’s! Just not so big into the bog production midi sort of pop. Some pop is pop as in it’s popular because it pops out to the listener and has gotten a lot of people hooked verses say Taylor Swift whose music is like music made in a lab to be popular and so blandly relatable, pop music that takes out the art and it just becomes music. I feel this with a lot of country acts since country is filled with so many session musicians. Session musicians just really dull music because they box themselves into theory. All the country is generally older and features a riff! Also older country used so many ideas from other genres and now all the country music blends together. I love a lot of 90’s rap because it’s such a celebration of creativity and music. The “Dilla Swing” style is so refreshing to see surface. We’re very locked into a grid nowadays with our metronomes but musicians used to have more feel. Even Hendrix played with a swing. I think I use Dilla as an example because he’s using a digital/hardware platform to make amazing music and old heads will say they hate all modern music but they’re just ignorant and don’t truly understand what they’re saying.
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11 months ago
Man he was such a creative sensitive soul
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