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Views : 7,920
Genre: Film & Animation
Uploaded At Oct 13, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-10-22T04:08:31.356844Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Lol man I put an acrylic transparent hood on my 1990 Integra coupe in 2003 haha! Totally forgot about them. I ordered it from a JC Whitney "sport compact" parts catalog. They actually had them available in several colors as well as clear and smoked. My Integra was a weird custom lime green color with gold metal flake I regretted having it painted in cuz touch-ups were a pain, but for that reason I got the yellow version of the acrylic hood. I didn't realize that the bolts that came with it went all the way through to the top of the hood and on their own looked kinda plain so I polished them. But the hood latch didn't occur to me as being a possible issue either cuz I was so excited to get a see-through hood (to show off my boring header, polished valve cover, hot air intake, blue plug wires and blue split wire looming everywhere lol) that I never considered the details or drawbacks. When I did finally get it installed and I was able to drive around I think I got about 2 weeks out of it before it started to go foggy and cloudy from UV exposure and little impacts from small rocks or sand. I put the fiberglass hood back on and the acrylic hood went into a box where it sat until I traded the car for a 4g4d Civic :)
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1 month ago
That whole car is bad ass.
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