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Views : 495
Genre: Comedy
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 17, 2025 ^^
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RYD date created : 2025-01-18T16:44:10.178963Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Okay, I got a lot of kids. Although exciting, it's also bitter sweet to watch your child grow up. I know from experience with my last child that I held onto that toddler moniker for way too long, and I knew it. 😅 granted, he took forever to potty train. My friend still calls her youngest "baby," and he's almost 2 potty training and weighs almost as much as my 6 year old. I told her, "Girl, that's a child, not a baby." She didn't want to hear it. I did hear a social media dietician (omnivore) referring to her kindergarten 5 year old as a toddler yesterday. And yes, he's her youngest. Normally I don't take that away from parents. But, I also believe that the infantile treatment of their children (social media influencers in general) is a manipulation tactic as these kinds of mommy vloggers are usually narcissistic to some capacity. And it also explains the delayed development because they are just "toddlers"
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1 week ago
Perpetual toddlers.
I am SO glad I was not raised like this.
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