Facebook group:
www.facebook.com/groups/CatDrawingArtWorkshop FREE Cat Drawing guide :
get-the-guide.ck.page/ My fun, heart-led methods make it EASY for ANYONE to draw cats. Explore your own unique style and be the best cat artist you can be.
It doesn't have to be perfect and there are NO rules. In fact... it's those little imperfections that add so much character and charm.
The best drawings look drawn! they really do!
Your drawing is like your signature; everyone's is beautiful and unique. It's all about expressing yourself and your love of cats.
What do you want to learn about drawing and sketching cats and kittens? Drop me a comment to let me know, or just tell me about your cat! I LOVE to hear from you.
Drawing is the foundation of visual arts. Drawing skills transfer directly to painting, printmaking, sculpting, or whatever it is you choose.
Get better at drawing; get better at art. Simple as that. Fill your sketchbook with pussycats and kittens in every imaginable position. Let your love of our feline friends show.
See more of my art at my ETSY Shop:
www.etsy.com/ca/shop/PennysOriginalArt Follow my Cat Page on Facebook:
www.facebook.com/PurrrfectCatPeople Read on for my full Artist Biography:
Artist & Art Educator
Penny hails from Honeymoon Bay on the wooded shores of Cowichan Lake. Frequenting her grandparents’ home studio and store, Whales’ Arts and Ceramics, in Victoria BC, Penny’s aptitude emerged. With art media galore at hand, Penny was happiest with nothing more than pencil and paper.
“The immediacy of drawing and love of linework drive my passion. The best drawings look drawn. They show authenticity and the raw human aspect. Drawing is the greatest learning opportunity art has to offer and the necessary beginning of everything art.”
Adamantly self-taught, Penny delights in rendering soulful portraits of beloved pets. She is intrigued by the similarities between humans and other animals. The differences humble her deeply.
Penny shares her passion with the world through her YouTube Channel, CrazyCatArtist. Her in-person workshops include dogs and other critters too. Penny’s intention is to meet each student exactly where they are and help them expand their practice in their own meaningful way.
Penny is a lifelong nature-lover, avid gardener, and advocate for the earth. She is devoted to rescuing special needs cats. Learn more about Penny’s art and teaching through her website at pennyboden.ca
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