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Views : 78,036
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 8, 2021 ^^
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Rating : 4.986 (16/4,540 LTDR)
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User score: 99.48- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2022-01-19T20:26:55.199298Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
0:18 The dress looks so cool on her. 💞
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My self love journey has come so far this year. In January, I started slipping into my dream clothes and dancing around in my room alone. Now I wear those clothes out and I have never felt more confident. I used to want to hide my body, because of how self concious I was about the way I looked. Bullying that I faced in elementary-middle school really contributed to my insecurity and social anxiety. Now that I've began to express myself, I get so many compliments, I've been able to meet new friends who are also in love with fashion as much as I am, and I'm not really afriad of what people might say about me. If you struggle with body image, please know that you are beautiful. I think you are beautiful. What anyone has to say about what you like to wear is irrelevant. Because if you feel beautiful in it, 9.999 times out of 10, you look beautiful in it too.
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Okay but she is rocking all of these but I love 0:16
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follow her on
tiktok @chloe_xandria
ig @chloe_xandria
please, if you disagree, express your thoughts as clearly as possible and with respect
if you want to leave links under the video, do it, but you could give a little explanation of what it is and why you are leaving it. so we know what we’re clicking.
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This person looks STUNNING in those bellbottoms I love that outfit
3 years ago
Ik I see too many people saying they can’t be alt and such bc they are “fat” it’s upsetting bc they would rock it :(
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