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License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 3, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Oh sister, I have been pounding on the desk this verse Daniel 2:21 And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:
HE does it all NOT US. Just like the pastor said IT IS OUR job to SERVE the Lord God not this world. I've been saying this to no avail. I've had brick walls respond better than the world. Another words it falls on deaf ears. Thankfully some folks are waking up to this. Because all this SELECTION not election is for is to push agendas that people do not want and to divide and conquer. Pretty simple psychology. God bless you sister and praise the Lord!
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I dont agree with this pastor, because God appoints leaders for different things in all countries! So we still need to vote in order to help God use the appointed leader , however He sees fit! But they have to be serving and praying to God in order to get things done right! But at the end of the day , God is still in control and sits on the Throne!
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I am italian and i have been listening to pastor Loran from 2 years now. I am very surprised people in america do not know him. There are some good godly Mans whom we should and can listening to. This is my list.
Pastor JD Farag.
Pastor John MacArthur.
Pastor Loran Livingstone.
Joe Kirby from England.
And you dear Michelle.
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I have agreed with you up to this point. I am not a Trumpster, however I am voting for the political issues that align with my Biblical beliefsā¦.. if the church hadnāt gotten off its butts to vote in 1860, there would still be slavery! Look it up. Our gifts & prayers will not be needed in heaven, they are for earth as we are still here operating in the flesh! (But walking in the Holy Spirit) We must occupy until he comes. Even the Amish are voting Trump!
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Is normal that hand sign 0:53?
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1 month ago
All I'm going to say is this: voting for the lesser of 2 evils is still voting for evil.
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