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Happy Halloween from CarpeDonktum!
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4,424 Views β€’ Oct 31, 2018 β€’ Click to toggle off description
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Views : 4,424
Genre: Comedy
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 31, 2018 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


6 years ago

Happy Halloween❣

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6 years ago

Brilliant! Happy Halloween!

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6 years ago

Happy Halloween to YouπŸŽƒ

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6 years ago

Happy UnPC Halloween, America!πŸ‚πŸŽƒπŸ



6 years ago

Hey... Ana Navarro found something she's good at... and it sure isn't politics! πŸ˜‚ LMAO

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6 years ago

Meh. I didn't need to sleep anyways.

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6 years ago

Happy Halloween from your friendly neighborhood Comicsgate pede.

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6 years ago

Good grief Ana Navarro is scarier than most modern horror movies.



6 years ago

May all your Halloween costumes be as politically incorrect as mine.

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6 years ago

Nice! See ya on Twitter buddy.

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6 years ago

A Prayer for Our Nation and Our President ~ Please Share

Dear Lord, thank You, that You are still on the Throne and that prayer
can still change things...I thank You for answered prayer and for
appointing Donald J. Trump as the leader of Your people and this great
nation... Thank You, Father, that We the People came out in droves and
elected Donald J. Trump by a landslide, regardless of what their stolen
popular vote says. There are those who would contest our votes, contest
the Will of Your People...We will not allow them to steal our future.
You unclean, globalist, satanic, baby killers and your evil cohorts
won't be feathering your nests at our expense any more!...America has
spoken loud and clear...CAN YOU HEAR US NOW???

There will be no perfect leader until Jesus returns, we know that. Until
then, true Christians and true patriotic Americans are grateful to you,
Father, for giving us a brave and strong leader in our new President. I
have never been more grateful and more humbled in my life...I have
never voted before, I have never cared before, but I promise I will
never fail to exercise that God given right again...I want to say thank
You, Jesus, for hearing our cries and for helping us avoid the greatest
tragedy this nation has ever faced, and that is the loss of our
sovereignty and being handed over to the New World Order Global
Government, and we know that is the antichrist beast system....I am so
proud of my fellow Americans for seeing through the lies and doing the
right thing, and that is turning to You, Lord...thank You, Father, for
moving the hearts of the people toward You and toward truth and good.

Good is making an open show of evil, but, we must and we will be
vigilant, for we know it is not against flesh and blood that we fight,
but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We
also fight against an ignorant, intentionally dumbed down world that has
left so many "unaware and compliant" and easily manipulated. God help
us, send Your mighty warring Angels to our aid and use them to spoil, to
confound the plans of these wicked that would sell an entire nation
down the river, trip them in their own clever devices, cause their craft
to wither in their hands, take their evil thoughts and ideas and turn
them on their own selves. Like Nebuchadnezzar, turn their own mind
against them until they are humble beasts of burden, grazing in the
field, show them, make it clear to all the world that You are the Lord
God Almighty and You are not mocked by these insulate, odorous demons
from hell...show them that AMERICA IS STILL ONE NATION, UNDER GOD,
INDIVISIBLE! Father, send them all to their cells, to await judgment,
far away from the society that they work so hard to destroy...and
forgive us, Lord, for being blindly led, for not seeking out the truth,
for not investigating who they really are, but thank You, Father, for
revealing the Truth to Your People, and thank You for the strength to
stand in the face of adversity, to stand in this Day, having done all to

We realize the danger has not passed and satan knows he has but a short
time and he is lashing out in every direction and on every front,
causing as much chaos and confusion as he can...We must all pray that
minds and hearts continue to open to Jesus...Four, even eight years roll
around real fast and the election in 2018 is just as important as
2016...They almost caught us unaware this time; we will watch, we won' t
let that happen again; we will not become complacent and go back to
sleep. We hold our new leader, President Donald J. Trump, up to You and
ask for Your Divine and Supernatural protection over him and his family
at all times, particularly now, when those that seek to harm him and our
nation are so desperate...the criminals are being cornered like rats;
they will lash out violently, desperately and indiscriminately.

I trust my God and my President and I trust that HE is working in and
through him...We are told to pray for the leaders of our Nation...I must
admit, the only prayer I ever prayed for traitor 44 and all his evil
minions, was that the Lord cast the demons from our
midst...unfortunately, he and they are still there, still in the
background, weaving their web of deceit against our beloved President
and the American People and our Country, our way of life...the Lord will
capture and bind them in their own deceit...like Comey's testimony
before the Senate hearing on June 8, 2016, and many others since, the
Lord will use their own tongue and words to betray them all and bring
down the stronghold of the wicked leaders in DC and all over the Nation,
including the vile liberal federal judges that were appointed by
traitor 44, and are fighting our President's every action...I bind them
all and I cast these wicked down, and lift up good men and women judges
that will put our nation and our constitution and our sovereignty and
our People first...put America first!

While the fourth estate liberal media is spinning it's wheels and
screaming Russia, Russia, Russia...our President is quietly in the
background busily doing the people's business and keeping promises he
made in hope that when the left sees all the good he has done for our
nation, thereby the world, they will come to reason and we will all have
a kumbayah moment...I would love to think that will be true, but it
never will be because peace and prosperity is not what the globalist
want for America...they want us broken and destitute and on our knees to
the New Word Order Globalist antichrist beast system and they want us
forever sucking on the teat of the International bankers...Had Hillary
won, we would already be in the death throws of a bloody civil war
because 65,000,000 plus American Patriots would not let it go down like

Lord, You said You would confound the plans of the wicked and lay the
crooked path straight...and, Lord, for those who disparage our President
because they say You would never appoint such a person, to them I say
read the Word of God...time after time, the Lord has used imperfect men
to achieve His end...Moses, Paul and David were all murderers...Paul
murdered hundreds if not thousands of Christians, yet the Lord used them
all in mighty ways...or, consider Cyrus, he was a pagan Persian King
who God used to release the Israelites out of Babylonian captivity and
even helped them to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple. ...right now, our
country needs a Chief Executive Officer and a born leader, not a
Pastor...we have enough of those and most are evil wolves in sheep's
clothing... to these naysayers, these Pharisees, I say, put your rocks
back in your pockets, you have no place to judge this man and what God
is using him to do...I thank You for this and in all things. Vengeance
is Yours, Father, and soon, the wicked that mock You and our President
and seek to destroy him and our America and our way of life, God said
they shall have their reward...we must pray for President Trump every
day, no ordinary man can withstand what he is up against without the
supernatural strength and protection from our Lord. However, to truly
change the plight of our nation and our own lives, we must do the
hardest thing of all, we must pray for our enemies, pray that the Lord
bless and keep them and change them and save their souls, and for those
who don't repent and turn to our Lord, again, they will have their
reward... in Jesus' Sweet Name I pray...Amen.

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus...I had a wide awake, open vision of
the Lord's return in 1976 when I was 13 years old. Thank you for taking
time to view and share...the hour is late, the harvest is great, but the
laborers are few...Maranatha!...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dt--TNZzsxc

November 9, 2016


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