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Views : 361
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Mar 24, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Imagine 1 War Ship had the hole English Navy chasing it in the Atlantic Ocean, neer UK. Imagine if then the Germans completed the
Z Plan in 1940, having 6 Battleships,
6 Battle - Cruisers, 24 H - Cruisers,
12 L - Cruisers, 48 H - Destroyers,
6 Aircraft Carriers, 300 Submarines,
and 48 Torpedo Boats. Thats 96 War Ships,6 Aircraft Carriers and and 48 Torpedo, what they could do. At least if the Germans Bombed only Air Ports in Southern England, then after they could easily land 300 000.
Why there Navy would Protect the landing Force. In order for that to happen, Hitler would have to become then the leader of Germany in 1924. And have the Z Plan Activated.
In one of the many War Books I do
have, I read that the Germans were Preparing for War from 1924, and money was allocated for the Navy, Army & Air Force.. But mostly for the Army. Were in June 1941, the German Army had 8.5 million men, were only 4.5 million had Weapons and we're Combat ready.
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3 months ago
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