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Uploaded At Oct 18, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-10-21T19:00:45.245455Z
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1 month ago
The multiverse is more or less a given. There is more logical evidence for than against, but also empirically - with QM, Double Slit, Virtual Particles, Spontaneous Quark Doubling, etc etc.
There are close to an infinite number of universes within this universe and holographic principles alone should be sufficient enough.
But regardless - try to entertain this thought: Given an infinite amount of parallel and/or asymmetrical universes, there must be a universe where entropy is reversed. It is a 100% mirrored replica of our universe, but with “time” going backwards. The inhabitants of this universe perceive everything just like us - it is a total carbon copy of our universe. But observed from the outside, that entire universe would flow backwards.
Who can say that WE don’t live in such a universe? The only way to even begin to understand that our own entropy is reversed, is to observe it from another universe.
From the outside a flashlight would catch the light and the waterfall would flow upwards. How can such dimensionality be understood within the confines of our own entro