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Modified Gameboy Pocket: New Speaker
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434 Views • Jul 4, 2014 • Click to toggle off description
I like opening things, and unintentionally breaking them.
So once I opened this and somehow the speaker broke, but the headphone jack does.
Today, out of boredom as my cousin and I were here. I decided that after opening it up to show her, I just decided to screw around.

I have a speaker taken from a birthday card that I de-soldered from the chip, and re-soldered it to the Gameboy's speaker ports inside.

Then I decided to melt a small hole in the side for the cords, and using double-sided tape, to tape it to the speaker area.

The result, a working makeshift Gameboy Pocket modification. That made me feel proud since I usually break things, even after looking it up, but this I did no research for.

Though before making the hole, I tried to de-solder the DC power input plug to make room but apparently it was the headphone plug I screwed up so now the roles are reversed. The jack doesn't work anymore but the speaker does.
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Views : 434
Genre: Comedy
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 4, 2014 ^^

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