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Views : 995
Genre: Music
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 25, 2023 ^^
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1 year ago
Behind the Bits 60
(A-Bit of Anime was posted to YouTube on Aug 27, 2017)
To make the three A-Bit of Anime videos, I wrote a list of all the anime and anime music I could think of. The list was multiple pages… obvious one video was not going to be enough, so it became a trilogy! A-Bit of Anime 1 was largely composed in my head because I was on holiday, away from my keyboard, while a was arranging it. This is how the process would go: I would sing a song - say “Déjà vu” - and then put something on the end of it - say something from JoJos - then I would ask myself “how do you feel?” If the answer was ‘good’ I wrote it down and moved onto the next song, if not I’d try something else. I repeated this process until eventually, I had a full video! This process of mushing songs together and seeing if it works sounds really simple but that’s how most of my medleys are made.
I love the grit of Bloody Stream in the first half of the video but the AoT to Deja Vu to Pokemon finale is my favourite part.
It’s been 10 years! For the 80th and final ep of A-Bit of 8-Bit I will be reremixing some of my favourite tunes from the last decade. Mario with Queen? Undertale with Harry Potter? The Beatles with Steven Universe? It’s going to be LARGE. In the lead-up, I’m making these 30-second Chip Clip shorts to highlight and reflect on my favourite 8-bit moments.
#chipclip #behindthebits #abitof8bit #abitof #joejeremiah #8bit #8bitmusic #chiptune #anime
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