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Views : 9,799
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 12, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-06-26T03:01:26.100322Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Someone did testing and for a while and they said in the pale heart with chests it takes about 14 mins to get one and to complete the dual destiny the fastest is in like 15 mins so it's close but I would say doing the pale heart is better. And if u do the pale heart just go around for the normal chest in the area and load back into the zone
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I think either method is good with their respective pros and cons.
Dual Destiny Grinding requires communication, teamwork, and knowledge of the mechanics along with sufficient damage, add clear, and tormentor weapons and can be annoying to continuously run if bugs happen but it gives a guaranteed Exotic every 20-35 minutes if you know how to do it well and nearly an hour if not but the progress can be wasted if time runs out.
Pale Heart Random Chest Grinding is repetitive, RNG-based and can be annoying when you reach Level 3 for the Landing but it's solo, doesn't require a teammate (I think a teammate might bug the chest respawning), and can get Pale Heart Engrams from chests but can be more time consuming based on RNG.
Either method could do well, but it all comes down between communication (and having a teammate) or RNG.
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Best way to do it is launch the public overthrow and while the other 2 do the event you keep looking for chests, you can get like close to 15 chests per run, I got around 6 class items in 2-3 hours, obviously not better than the mission, BUT if you need to get the patterns for pale heart guns, you can get patterns and class items from doing that strat
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6 months ago
I got like 4-5 jus doin box runs in 3hrs
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