This one minute short video comes from our full length video called "Haunted Houses, Poltergeists, Carl Jung, Witchcraft, Magic Spells, Demon Possession, The Occult" at
• Haunted Houses, Poltergeists, Carl Ju... . See our playlist at
• Dealing with UFOs, Ghosts, Magic, Spi... called, "Dealing with UFOs, Ghosts, Magic, Spiritual Warfare, Satan" with 51 videos. God sends people strong delusions (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12), Satan & Evil Spirits carry out God's plans, God tests people to see if they love God or something else (Deuteronomy 13:3). God denounces those who "conjure spells" (NKJV) and those who practice witchcraft and sorcery. Bible says that anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord (Deuteronomy 18:10-12; 2 Kings 21:6; Micah 5:12; Isaiah 47:12; Ezekiel 13:18, 20; Acts 8:11-24; Leviticus 20:27; Exodus 7:11; Revelation 9:21; 22:15).
What is sorcery according to the Bible?
Sorcery is the practice of using occult supernatural means, such as incantations and/or spells, in order to control forces in the spiritual realm with the intention of influencing the physical realm. Sorcery was used, and still is used, in order to gain control of the environment and/or people, to foretell the future, to summon spirits, to harm others, and/or benefit one’s self. It is often associated with magic, whether it be black or white. Black magic is the attempt to produce harm upon someone through curses and spells. White magic is the attempt to use incantations and spells for personal benefit. God forbade the Israelites to practice sorcery (Deut. 18:10) and instituted the death penalty for involvement with it (Exodus 22:18).
The reason that sorcery received the death penalty in the Old Testament is that sorcery is a means of direct contact with wicked demonic spiritual forces loose on the planet and worked against the revealed will of God. Such evil forces are always intent on working against the Christian gospel and the people of God as well as the goal of bringing pain and suffering.
Finally, God had commanded that His followers worship Him in truth and to follow his teachings. To become involved in sorcery was a means to circumvent God’s plans and bring glory to one’s own self, as well as follow after false gods. This always leads to bondage and suffering.
The following are some of the verses listed in the Bible that deal with various aspects of sorcery and bad practices associated with it.
Astrology (Isaiah 47:13)
Divination, witchcraft, omens, sorcery (Deut. 18:10; 2 Chron. 33:6; Ezek. 21:21; Galatians 5:20; Rev. 18:23)
Magic and Magicians (Gen. 41:8; Acts 8:9; 13:6)
Mediums (Deut. 18:11)
Necromancy (Deut. 18:11)
Sorceries and spells (Isaiah 47:9)
Sorcerers and magicians (Exodus 7:11; Jer. 27:9; Dan. 2:2; Rev. 21:8; 22:15)
Sorcerers are to die (Exodus 22:18)
Spells (Psalm 58:5; Isaiah 47:9, 12)
What are the abilities of fallen angels (Revelation chapter 12) known as demons?
There are a number of demonic abilities laid out in Scripture. The following is a list of many of the things they can accomplish as is revealed in the word of God.
Possession of people (Matt. 8:16, 28; 15:22; Mark 1:32; Mark 7:26)
Possession of single persons by many demons at a time (Mark 5:9-12; Mark 16:9; Luke 8:2; Luke 8:27, 30)
Receive sacrifices (Lev. 17:7; Deut. 32:17; Psalm 106:37; 1 Cor. 10:20)
Speak (Matt. 8:31; Mark 5:12; Luke 4:33-34, 41)
Cause muteness (Matt. 9:32-33; Luke 11:14)
Cause blindness? (Matt. 12:22)
Cause lunacy (Matt. 17:15-18; Luke 4:35)
Cause self-harm (Matt. 17:15-18; Luke 4:35)
Desire to inhabit creatures (Mark 5:12-13; Luke 8:32-33)
Moves people to be naked (Luke 8:27)
Moves people to dwell in tombs (Luke 8:27)
Moves people to dwell in desert (Luke 8:30)
Induces convulsions (Luke 9:42)
Doctrines of demons (1 Tim. 4:1)
Demons acknowledge God (James 2:19)
Demonic wisdom (James 3:15)
Receive worship (Rev. 9:20)
Inhabit geographical regions (Rev. 18:2)
As you can see, the evil spirits have a wide array of demonic abilities. Of course, their ultimate goal is to injure, separate people from God, and to cause pain and suffering. As Christians, however, we do not have to fear the demonic realm because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). For more on this see our 6 part "Spiritual Warfare" video series beginning with part 1 entitled "BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE #1: THREE VICIOUS FOES - THE WORLD, THE FLESH, & THE DEVIL" at
Deliverance from the Occult:
1. Receive Christ as Your Lord and Savior
2. Confess & Repent the Sin of Involvement in the Occult
3. Destroy All Occult Objects
Acts 19:18-19.
4. Break Off All Occult Associations
5. Immerse Yourself in God’s Word the Bible.
6. If Necessary, Seek Additional Christian Help.
1 week ago
This one minute short video comes from our full length video called "Haunted Houses, Poltergeists, Carl Jung, Witchcraft, Magic Spells, Demon Possession, The Occult" at . See our playlist at called, "Dealing with UFOs, Ghosts, Magic, Spiritual Warfare, Satan" with 51 videos. God sends people strong delusions (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12), Satan & Evil Spirits carry out God's plans, God tests people to see if they love God or something else (Deuteronomy 13:3). God denounces those who "conjure spells" (NKJV) and those who practice witchcraft and sorcery. Bible says that anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord (Deuteronomy 18:10-12; 2 Kings 21:6; Micah 5:12; Isaiah 47:12; Ezekiel 13:18, 20; Acts 8:11-24; Leviticus 20:27; Exodus 7:11; Revelation 9:21; 22:15).
What is sorcery according to the Bible?
Sorcery is the practice of using occult supernatural means, such as incantations and/or spells, in order to control forces in the spiritual realm with the intention of influencing the physical realm. Sorcery was used, and still is used, in order to gain control of the environment and/or people, to foretell the future, to summon spirits, to harm others, and/or benefit one’s self. It is often associated with magic, whether it be black or white. Black magic is the attempt to produce harm upon someone through curses and spells. White magic is the attempt to use incantations and spells for personal benefit. God forbade the Israelites to practice sorcery (Deut. 18:10) and instituted the death penalty for involvement with it (Exodus 22:18).
The reason that sorcery received the death penalty in the Old Testament is that sorcery is a means of direct contact with wicked demonic spiritual forces loose on the planet and worked against the revealed will of God. Such evil forces are always intent on working against the Christian gospel and the people of God as well as the goal of bringing pain and suffering.
Finally, God had commanded that His followers worship Him in truth and to follow his teachings. To become involved in sorcery was a means to circumvent God’s plans and bring glory to one’s own self, as well as follow after false gods. This always leads to bondage and suffering.
The following are some of the verses listed in the Bible that deal with various aspects of sorcery and bad practices associated with it.
Astrology (Isaiah 47:13)
Divination, witchcraft, omens, sorcery (Deut. 18:10; 2 Chron. 33:6; Ezek. 21:21; Galatians 5:20; Rev. 18:23)
Magic and Magicians (Gen. 41:8; Acts 8:9; 13:6)
Mediums (Deut. 18:11)
Necromancy (Deut. 18:11)
Sorceries and spells (Isaiah 47:9)
Sorcerers and magicians (Exodus 7:11; Jer. 27:9; Dan. 2:2; Rev. 21:8; 22:15)
Sorcerers are to die (Exodus 22:18)
Spells (Psalm 58:5; Isaiah 47:9, 12)
What are the abilities of fallen angels (Revelation chapter 12) known as demons?
There are a number of demonic abilities laid out in Scripture. The following is a list of many of the things they can accomplish as is revealed in the word of God.
Possession of people (Matt. 8:16, 28; 15:22; Mark 1:32; Mark 7:26)
Possession of single persons by many demons at a time (Mark 5:9-12; Mark 16:9; Luke 8:2; Luke 8:27, 30)
Receive sacrifices (Lev. 17:7; Deut. 32:17; Psalm 106:37; 1 Cor. 10:20)
Speak (Matt. 8:31; Mark 5:12; Luke 4:33-34, 41)
Cause muteness (Matt. 9:32-33; Luke 11:14)
Cause blindness? (Matt. 12:22)
Cause lunacy (Matt. 17:15-18; Luke 4:35)
Cause self-harm (Matt. 17:15-18; Luke 4:35)
Desire to inhabit creatures (Mark 5:12-13; Luke 8:32-33)
Moves people to be naked (Luke 8:27)
Moves people to dwell in tombs (Luke 8:27)
Moves people to dwell in desert (Luke 8:30)
Induces convulsions (Luke 9:42)
Doctrines of demons (1 Tim. 4:1)
Demons acknowledge God (James 2:19)
Demonic wisdom (James 3:15)
Receive worship (Rev. 9:20)
Inhabit geographical regions (Rev. 18:2)
As you can see, the evil spirits have a wide array of demonic abilities. Of course, their ultimate goal is to injure, separate people from God, and to cause pain and suffering. As Christians, however, we do not have to fear the demonic realm because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). For more on this see our 6 part "Spiritual Warfare" video series beginning with part 1 entitled "BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE #1: THREE VICIOUS FOES - THE WORLD, THE FLESH, & THE DEVIL" at .
Deliverance from the Occult:
1. Receive Christ as Your Lord and Savior
2. Confess & Repent the Sin of Involvement in the Occult
3. Destroy All Occult Objects
Acts 19:18-19.
4. Break Off All Occult Associations
5. Immerse Yourself in God’s Word the Bible.
6. If Necessary, Seek Additional Christian Help.
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