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Views : 9,615
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 11, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
He knows it from others that say it.
How do they know these things ? Including the passion of the Christ ? How could they possibly know these things ???
Oh that’s right. They get it directly from the source. The Holy Bible.
Isn’t it funny how they claim our Bible is corrupted until they NEED It to prove something ???
Smh. Crazy.
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According to the Abdool the Passion of the Christ MOVIE is “proof” that the language of Jesus was Aramaic, but not that he was crucified!? How can the movie ADD more proof of anything for any Abdool when they’ll just cherry-pick their “evidence” out of the movie like they do out of the Scriptures anyway? 😆😹
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If he accepts The Passon (a movie) as a source, I suggest he watch The Chosen as there he will get a really great overview of the life of Jesus. I think any Muslim who watches Season 1 alone would actually know 100% more about the life of Christ than half the Dawahgandists who speak to Godlogic!
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4 months ago
Whats your source - "everyone knows"😂😂.
This man cited a movie as his source😂
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