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Uploaded At May 21, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
The reason the community initially agreed on FNaF 1 taking place in 1993 was because of Game Theory's first FNaF video.
This was heavily based on two pieces of evidence: The first being the paycheck calculating to $4 an hour that seemed to align with the 1993 minimum wage plus tax. However, this method is actually incredibly flawed.
Not only did different areas have different minimum wages (along with us not knowing the location of FNaF 1 at the time), but the actual state minimum wage doesn't account for tax. In actuality, $4 an hour would mean FNaF 1 would have to have taken place before April 26th 1991 (when the state minimum wage was raised to $4.25 an hour, making $4 impossible without underpaying). With the paycheck specifying November, that places FNaF 1 in 1990 or prior. Or alternatively throws out the paycheck evidence all together on account of a lack of details necessary to accurately map the date beyond vaguely before late 1996 when it was raised again to $4.75 an hour.
The second piece of evidence was what the whole theory was based around, that being the 1993 Aurora, Colorado shooting. This is what specified the date down in the original video from the more vague 1991 to 1996.
After this point, it's likely Scott himself just stuck with 1993 due to the fandom agreeing on it, rather than it being the original intention. This also explains why FNaF 2's paycheck lines up exactly with 1987's state minimum wage (again without including tax) unlike FNaF 1's that was just vaguely close. Since then there's been multiple references to '93, such as the unreleased FNaF AR Faz-Fact you mentioned and the logbook featuring a comic panel of Classic Freddy and Classic Foxy with a chalkboard behind them reading "5+4 3" i.e. "9 3".
TL;DR FNaF 1 initially was probably just vaguely late 1980s to early 1990s, but the date 1993 became known fandom-wide and Scott likely stuck with it as a result.
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Finally, one of main Fnaf youtuber recognises 1992 as a possible date for Fnaf 1.
Both 1992 and 1993 being the main Fnaf 1 dates I've seen confirm that fans believe that Fnaf 1 happens between 1991-1996 (as per Matpat's original analysis of the Fnaf 1 check, but minus his original "IRL murders were in 1993" + "Fnaf = IRL murders parrallel" reasonings for "Fnaf 1 = 1993")
Any dates beyond this point can get a bit "Dicey". Mainly Fnaf 3, as everything has to happen after this:
1) 30 years after a Freddy's closed (MCI/Fnaf 2 locations) + "Real Value clue from Logbook" ($16 = Fnaf 1, $27 = Fnaf 3) proving a 23-24 year gap between Fnaf 1 and 3 = Fnaf 3 in either 2015 (30 after MCI + 23 after 1992)/2017 (30 after Fnaf 2 closes + 24 after 1993)
2) 30 years after Fnaf 1 location closed (1992/1993) = Fnaf 3 in 2022/2023
If fnaf 1 closed in very late 1992/1993 that means, if Fnaf 3 happens in March (the month it released) 30 years and 4 months later would be 2023/2024. (Could be 29 years and 4 months after Fnaf 1 for it to be 2022/2023??)
I'm on the Fnaf 3 in 2015 side. Meaning I'm also with Fnaf 1 = 1992 (Fnaf 3, PS, UCN, HW, and AR happening the same dates/weeks they released. (AR happening from 2019-2024, as per when it was live))
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Well, that and the fact that the night guard wasn't even supposed to be there on night 5, they likely already had the check prepped since the closing was likely apready forewarned to the company by a couple of days. So they likely wrote the check to him on thursday prepared to give him his weekly rate due to the shut down being sudden and caused our character to make changes to their schedule. Or through legal obligation. So yeah, the check being prepped on Thursday makes total sense, at least to me
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7 months ago
When do you think FNAF 1 takes place? Don't forget to like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video :D
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