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Views : 4,251
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 27, 2023 ^^
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User score: 98.88- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2023-11-28T07:46:11.003508Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
The trumpets are beginning to blow. Those whom are waiting on the sound of a horn will "never hear". Those whom are waiting to see the signs in the air will "never see". The warnings have already been given and the destruction of the temple is not a building.Humans are the church, Humans are the temple...and where is the temple on our bodies?
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I believe there was a pause after the destruction of the temple. The matt 24:29-31 has not taken place, the trumpet will be the last trumpet. All the 5 SEALS already opened. The 6th seal is tge coming of Christ.The marriage of the LAMB is the HARPAZO or rapture in the AIR. THIS TAKES PLACE AND ENDS THE GRT TRIB. The 7th Seal releases the trumpets after. BY RE V 11:15 AT THE LAST TRUMPET IT IS DONE CHRIST RULES.
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1 year ago
About 18 years ago I had a dream that I still remember as if I'd dreamed it only last night. I was in a big city like New York or Downtown Detroit or something like that. I had my two Daughters with me (but not my two sons). Suddenly I heard a loud thunder that was rolling. I looked up and the sky was beautifully blue but on the horizon white clouds began billowing across the sky. Suddenly the clouds began to take the shape of two gigantic white horses and they became solid and ran thunderously down to Earth and past me and my girls. It was a tremendous sight to behold. People were terrified and screaming, running away from the horses. I was confused because I knew our King was coming! I started yelling to the people, "NO! Wait! Come back! You're going in the wrong direction! We must follow the horses! They'll lead us to Jesus! But absolutely no one would listen to me and everyone ran away in fear. I and my girls were the only ones who weren't afraid and actually wanted to go to Jesus. I don't think I'll ever forget that dream.
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