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Views : 8,272
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 23, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.96 (4/393 LTDR)
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User score: 98.48- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-11-25T10:16:11.022877Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Faceless shrimpo is an new Scp. The code is KC99 (not in the game I mean the scp code) He was in the darkness sooner and been there for a long time. As he said to the player he said he was sorry bc he kept being rude/mean and doesn’t shut up. And he have ever felt let that. He saying rude stuff and doesn’t shut up. That’s why he’s faceless the whole face. Shrimpo was sad and everyone wanted to to shut up and the author/ scientist did shut him up by taking his eyes and mouths. That’s what faceless shrimpo backstory.
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1. guys he spawns in the private server u'll need to wait for 10-20 hours then dandy music will appear in private servers you'll see him
2. its scary but if something happened youll need to rejoin then everything will be scary because everything is black and you can see him easily
3. CAUTION: do not join priv servers created by your friends or created by you in Dandy's World or it will be extremely scary, it's fake
4: After you join a public server/priv server, it stops happening
5. Don't join private servers again, you must avoid creepypasta warning.
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1 month ago
Shrimpo: I HATE YOU!
Faceless: I hated myself too.
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