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Views : 100
Genre: Education
Uploaded At Mar 1, 2023 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2023-03-02T00:52:26.036853Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
So I've had custody for 11 years, son just turned 18. Still in school. DOR wants money from when son was with mother for couple years, I applied for support 8 years ago, denied. They've taken money from me this entire 11 years. Mother hasn't paid a penny. I went to court other day and judge seemed to not understand what's going on. Can't afford a lawyer. I don't get how I have to pay back pay while mother doesn't have to pay a cent and never has? Also mother lives 2000 miles away and isn't in the picture and hasnt been for 11 years. Any ideas?
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Hey can you answer my question I don't understand how come when a woman can't afford to take care of a child it's okay and they get given money and even a home but a man can't afford to pay he goes to jail and loses everything how come in the financial burden side the man has a higher percent to pay while the woman has a lower percent to pay but she's the one that's the custodial parent and has the right to the kid when the even on paper her requirements to be a parent is less
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what if you got a warning from DOR and not actually serve paperwork yet? there’s a saying that they have the right to secure your social and asking you to preschool operate and I will get further paperwork in the mail. If I just file a paternity case now and show them that I did that well, they cancel the Dor case.
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6 months ago
I need to reverse my agreements I’ve signed under duress now that I’ve come to understand how they operate under the color of law . I need to figure out the steps to reverse my contracts and void them per discovery of how I’m being injured and manipulated by them .
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