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Views : 696,792
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Mar 17, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-12-07T22:42:39.627631Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
It was a blessing that Brian and Anita were able to visit Freddie in those last months. ❤ But I can’t begin to imagine the heartache they must have felt in seeing this man who was once so energetic and boisterous now bedridden and frail. 🥺 But I know Freddie’s light never dimmed and his body may have failed but his spirit and mind remained strong! 💪🏻 I’ll always be heartbroken that he was taken so young because there was so much music still in him. 😔 But we can be so thankful for the 45 years we had with him and for his enduring legacy!!
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9 months ago
What Freddie told them was exactly what dying people need most. For loved ones to just be present with them. No need to speak any words. 😢
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