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Views : 21,395
Genre: Film & Animation
Uploaded At Mar 9, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-05-19T21:31:23.657547Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
@stevenposting Hi! I noticed something that I thought would make for a great video. In episode two, we get an episode surrounding Vox and Alastor, not the main plot but there. Episode 3 is with Velvet at the overlords meeting. Lastly episode 4 is with Valentino and Angel. Episode 2, 3, and 4 is with the Vees with all three episodes applying pursay to all three Vees.
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I think those rules are BS and you end up where you believe you should be (consciously or unconsciously). Sinners like angel dust end up in hell because they believe they don't deserve heaven and assholes like Adam end up in heaven because he believes he deserves it. This would also explain the similar mentalities of those in either place. You need to have a certain frame of mind/presence. Sir pentious ended up in heaven because he willingly sacrificed himself for the greater good without any ulterior motives and thus truly believed he was a good person. So he ended up in heaven.
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Yes and no. He finished his spiritual development. He finally finished it by being with a woman. LOL.
According to Viv you can be gay and go to heaven. Makes sense as of why Angel Dust went to hell. Even my mother who is a psychotherapist doesnt think Angel Dust is gay. Me too. Hes like bi or pan really.
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8 months ago
Absolutely. I actually was speechless when he died, but was overjoyed when he came back.
Use this as a Sir Pentious cheering section.
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