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Views : 103
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 22, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 5 (0/70 LTDR)
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-11-22T11:55:04.573707Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
titan camera man takes strength, iq, battle iq and endurance.
titan camera man's endurance : survived a who fleet of astro toilet and carries titan speaker man to where titan tv man teleported with a missing leg. titan camera man survived a chainsaw to the neck and fought the g toilet clones. titan camera man fought scientist at his weakest with a missing arm. titan camera man survived a after math of a nuke. tanks multiple speaker blasts and keeps getting back up. titan camera man was not fazed by 8 rockets aimed right at him in episode 71. in episode 67 titan camera man multiple strikes from the scientist toilet and kept getting up.
injured titan camera man strength: destroyed a bridge with a tackle in episode 70. in episode 67 titan camera man overwhelmed the scientist toilet and had enough force to kill scientist if it wasn't for g man. titan camera man one shotted astro destructor. titan camera man pushed up his own body weight with one arm and carried titan speaker man multiple miles to where titan tv man teleported. titan camera man slammed g man with one arm.
titan camera man's intelligence: is the most mature titan and knows how to speak English and understand titan tv man. titan camera man guided himself out of the astro ambush. titan camera uses symbols to communicate.
titan camera man's battle intelligence : has fought in the war the longest. titan camera man knows how to successfully use weapons that he hasn't had experience with. titan camera man adapted to a 4v1. titan camera man played strategically. titan camera man knew he had to sacrifice himself to save the alliance. titan camera man used a laser rifle as a cane to balance his proportions.
titan camera man wins mid diff.
4 weeks ago
Remake edit.
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