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Views : 141,186
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Mar 31, 2013 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I've been working at Walmart for the longest time, I get customers who have constantly spit& yell at me and I greet every single time. I have to suck it up because at the end of the day I need that money. Might look like an easy job but it's mentally straining for me. I try to be at my nicest and most professional manner because that's just who I am. It makes me sad to see this because I know what it feels like..
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I work as a cashier, and the one thing I hate is people on their phone.Trying to complete a transaction with someone gabbing or texting away is really annoying, trying to explain to someone how to use the chip while their talking to their friend carrie about what josie said at work last week is annoying.When I ask is plastic ok, and you respond "Sorry, the cashier is being loud" don't get pissed when I don't greet you, thank you or load your basket for you.Ignore me, I'm dishing out the same.
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I worked at Walmart for 8 years. The experience has traumatized me. I have had customers make fun of me for having an anxiety problem. (do yooou liiiiike YOUR job?)...then laughter. customers who would ignore my greetings.....and customers who would scream at me because their credit card didn't go through, etc. On my days off, I worried about what would happen when I came to work the next day.
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As a retail employee, yes we are instructed to greet all the customers who come up to us. BUT, if your going to be rude and completely ignore me and only pay attention to your phone...your lucky if I say anything to you lol. I have greeted people, but after i get ignored I say as little as possible.
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7 years ago
All I saw was a rude customer and a polite cashier
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