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Top Comments of this video!! :3
As someone who almost did it, please don't
People care about you and the amount of pain that you felt will go to someone else.
Your family and friends will cry, your parents even my parents are still there for me.
Your mother and father may cry every single day.
And to those who don't have parents, I am extremely sorry for you but you can still succeed, we all can still succeed because we still have time, we have the future.
Don't waste your time with these thoughts, be productive or maybe even try finding a hobby you love.
There is still hope, for you, for me and everyone who reads this.
247 |
Hey, student here.
Last year my father passed away, and trust me, that was the point in my life where I felt like dying the most. Every day I felt like I was going to die. It was a pain to wake up and have this same feeling over and over again.
Then I found help, which was talking to someone. That worked like a goddamn charm.
What I’m saying is, don’t do it. If you’re feeling down, remember there are ALWAYS people that care for you. I care for you, your viewers care for you, your parents, your friends, your relatives, your cousins, your siblings (if you have any), your uncles, your aunts, the list could go on. It may not look like they love you, but, believe me, oh they do. Their lives would tear down to pieces if they had to let you go.
You matter. Every day you wake up just say that you matter. Do things that make you happy, because negative thoughts were only built to wear you down, to drain your energy away to the point where it comes to doing the worst. Don’t let those thoughts take over you.
You’re worth much more ☺️❤
90 |
remember, even if it doesnt feel like it right now, you have a future. things will get better, and there are people who care about you. it could be family, friends, or even strangers on the internet, please dont give up. research diffrent coping methods, journalling all your feelings, even crying sometimes. sorry if my advice is bad, i just want you to live
579 |
God I hope you see this…
I had a friend who started acting different about two years ago now. She got very insecure, always wearing sweaters, always covering up, refusing to wear shorts or short sleeves even in 90 degree heat. I noticed these things before anyone else, and as it turned out, she was cutting herself.
It wasn’t suicide, not yet. But even then the fear of loosing her has been somewhat traumatic, even now I still fear drifting apart.
Luckily we were able to help her find herself. The old her in a way did die, but she’s still in a way the same person. She is no longer afraid of showing skin, and is no longer cutting or depressed.
I don’t know what *I* would do if she did end her life. Heck maybe I would have gone through a spiral and end mine. But she didn’t and for futures sake and *your* friends and family’s sake, you shouldn’t either. Because even if it’s hard to see, things change for the better. There will ALWAYS be a light at the end of the tunnel, sometimes it’s just hard to find it.
216 |
Commiting is not the correct option. Think about it like this: You are feeling sad and think that no one likes you so you commit expecting no one will care. But deep inside you, there will always be at least two people that will always be there for you and would do anything for you to come back: Your mom and dad.
So always when you are feeling low, think about the people who care about you and how they would feel if you committed. I hope this helps change your mind as at some point in my life I was depressed and in a similar situation than you.
6 |
Please don’t do it. As someone who tried, you will a rush of regret as soon as you do it. The trauma of being hospitalized will stick with you forever. The sight of your parents tearing up because what you did and the rest of your family. Your parents thinking they failed you and blaming it all on themselves. Trust me it’s not worth it. No matter how bad things get, you shouldn’t end it. I believe in you and I am proud of you making it to this day and being able to wake up.
291 |
I was close to doing. I tightened it and was about to do it. My gf was on a call with me and i told her hoping she would encourage me because i thought everyone hated me and i thought i deserved to just leave. Instead she bursted into tears. That one moment just opened my eyes. I felt like that brief moment opened my eyes to reality. You may think everyone hates you and you may think your so worthless to the point you want to just leave. But i promise you. No one hates you. Even if some people do hate you, they can just go away. They dont deserve your love or attention. They dont control your worth. They are just jealous of you. Nothing more nothing less. Stay strong everyone!
71 |
i’m in 8th grade. over the summer, a classmate of mine committed successfully. they didn’t go to my elementary school so i had only known them for two years. we never had a conversation, at most a few words every few months. back in the summer when i had initially found out they committed, i can’t explain the devastation i felt. I thought about them for a long while and still do. and i BARELY knew them. returning to school it was absolutely heart wrenching seeing everyone. their friends, their girlfriend, honestly even everyone who knew them was kinda messed up. school didnt and still does not feel complete without them. you have no clue the impact you make on other people, and there ARE people who will miss you if you were to commit. i dont know who you are but i give so many shits about you. keep going, it may take a month or maybe a couple years, who knows, BUT IT WILL GET BETTER!!!!
sending hugs, i hope these thoughts end soon 🫶
229 |
11 months ago
Stop, no.
This is not how it’s gonna be. Almost these comments are sugar coating it. Listen to me. When you go back to school, you are going to wake up, and feel great. When you EAT BREAKFAST you are going to feel great. When you go to school, you are going to feel great, when you EAT LUNCH you are going to feel great, when you EAT DINNER you are going to feel great. Ok? I want you to write down EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING that has been bothering, even if it’s little things. Ok?
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