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Views : 52
Genre: Film & Animation
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 3, 2022 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2022-08-03T19:40:35.961863Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
The getsuga part is off bro. It's not the influence of a hollow that changed it's color, it's the density and the fact that bankai posses greater ability than shikai.
A getsuga in shikai condenses the spiritual pressure on the blade and can release it as an amplified projectile swing.
Tensa Zangetsu condenses the spiritual pressure all over Ichigo, not just on his sword, and this condensed energy affects his speed and striking power. The getsuga is the same as before but instead of condensing normal pressure, it condenses already highly condensed pressure and that's the reason it's black, not because of hollow influence.
A cero is intensified hollow spirit energy
Abala is solidified hollow spirit energy
A black cero, like a getsuga compresses spirit energy but the energy it compresses is intensified. IMO a black getsuga is slightly stronger.
Gran rey is an intensified solidified compressed hollow spirit energy.
I agree with everything else but the relationship between oscuras and the black getsuga isn't a hollow-like nature, it's the similar reishi structure due to their traits of compression.
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Here's a fun theory, shikai Ichigo use's a Quincy version of getsuga( pulling in energy, condensing it then firing it) while bankai Ichigo's getsuga ( fires off his own energy) spoiler SPOILERS
in the manga when Ichigo gets his true sword he uses a new getsuga that's both black and white kinda proving my theory
2 years ago
Dang man your audio quality has improved a lot. What mic are you using?
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