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Uploaded At Jun 1, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Muhammed(peace be upon him) split the moon:
"The Hour has drawn near, and the moon was split. Yet, whenever they see a sign, they turn away,1 saying, 'Same old magic!'"
[Quran 54: 1-2]
He also went from Mecca to Jerusalem in one night:
"Glory be to the One Who took His servant ˹Muḥammad˺ by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose surroundings We have blessed, so that We may show him some of Our signs.1 Indeed, He2 alone is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing."
Don't lie about my religion when I am present every again.
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The miracle of Muhammad pbuh is the Quran. Our prophet was illiterate and scholars from all over the world are trying to find mistakes in the book that he recited over 23 years and all verses fit perfectly and the book that has everything humanity needs is just around 600 pages. They have been trying for 1400 years and still unsuccessful. The miracle of Muhammad pbuh is the Quran.
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Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was not a pagan. He was born into the Quraysh tribe in Mecca, which practiced polytheism at the time. However,
Muhammad was known for his monotheistic beliefs and rejected the idol worship of his society. At the age of 40, he received revelations from Allah, which formed the basis of Islam, advocating for the worship of one God and emphasizing moral and ethical conduct.
And bare in mind that prophet Muhammad SAW ability was foresight
Remember every prophet that was sent before prophet Muhammad SAW had abilities that others could see and what happened to them they was accused of witchcraft or sorcery but prophet Muhammad SAW was so humbled that he did need a power to show truth faith I mean Jesus turn water to wine and what the Romans did to him ?? Islam is a peaceful religion
The biggest miracle is right infront of you. 1400 years and the quraan has not been changed. 1400 years and islamic faith is the fastest growing faith . 1400 years and majority of muslims are true followers of All prophets,
Btw how is is possible that a man that could not read or write knew what happened to all Prophets before him ?
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They are all prophets and messangers of god. We make no distinction's in the message. The message has always been the same to worship one GOD, get rewarded for good deed and repent for bad deeds or punishment. Remember folks Muhammad is the last messenger not the first. Islam is not new, never was. God is eternal and exalted. The prophets are honoured by GOD and we are the best of creatures.
6 months ago
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